Band Spotlight: KODIGO

Its January of 2019 and what better way to kick-off the start of the year than to write about art, music from the local scene. In this feature, I'll be introducing you one of the bands we've been recently supporting and have chosen to line-up in our roster of bands for bridge comics. Featuring the … Continue reading Band Spotlight: KODIGO

End of story.

Greetings to all of our readers, We regret to inform our readers that as of today, we are officially withdrawing our support and collaboration with #WASTEDCHEMICAL. We have reached a final decision-- and as disappointed as we may feel right now. There were certain differences and unforeseen circumstances regarding agreements that were not met, and we … Continue reading End of story.

Feature: Scroll Down goes to Manila!

Ready! Get Set! Go! Alright. So its been awhile since our last post feature. We've been running behind schedule but, we're always making sure we can bring out the best of what we can bring up on the table for our readers. Today's feature is all about the rocking awesome band from Bacolod! If you've … Continue reading Feature: Scroll Down goes to Manila!

Bridge Comics Animation MV (Official)

Bridge Comics Philippines together with Animator/Artist Paul Spencer Tradio (creator and owner of Fpxzy  animation) would like to present to you our second animation release, as well as first ever Animation Music Video. The animation double's as a music video fro the band Wasted Chemical, featuring Holy Light as our official sound track for Bridge Comics. We are pleased … Continue reading Bridge Comics Animation MV (Official)

Wasted Chemical 1st Album Launching

On September 29,2018 the band will be celebrating their 5th year anniversary and on the same month, they will also be releasing their first ever self-titled album. Bridge Comics will be teaming up with Wasted Chemical's first ever album launching-- but  we're not going to spend half the day trying to figure out what to say, so we'll … Continue reading Wasted Chemical 1st Album Launching

BRIDGE Comics goes to CCP!

Hey guys! We would like to apologize for the late updates but, there is simply just too many things going on with us right now and we've been swamped with a bucket load of to-do-list before the year ends. Last April 19 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines,  AUTHORities: The 9th Philippine International Literary Festival was held. … Continue reading BRIDGE Comics goes to CCP!

Song Review: Wasted Chemical ‘Holy Light’

  Wasted Chemical's latest single release entitled 'Holy Light' packs incredible waves of feels that hits the spot, while blasting you off towards nostalgia lane while both title and content justifies the name. The magic of "Holy Light" is how it presents itself at the beginning of the song where the acoustic guitar plays and … Continue reading Song Review: Wasted Chemical ‘Holy Light’

Featuring: FALSE APART

  As excited as we were to collaborate with VSTHEWORLD and Wasted Chemical, we at BRIDGE COMICS PH are also ecstatic to welcome FALSE APART! The BAND will officially be taking part in our main story as part of our main cast, and like what we've shared to all of you before-- you'll just have to wait … Continue reading Featuring: FALSE APART

Featuring: Wasted Chemical

Armed with Hard Rockin' Music and awesome bass play arrangement-- Bridge Comics Philippines is pleased to present one more band in our line-up feature for our story. Ladies and Gent's we're here to introduce to you all WASTED CHEMICAL! but, before we dive in further.. Here's a little info about their Band  straight from their … Continue reading Featuring: Wasted Chemical