Featuring: FALSE APART


As excited as we were to collaborate with VSTHEWORLD and Wasted Chemical, we at BRIDGE COMICS PH are also ecstatic to welcome FALSE APART!

The BAND will officially be taking part in our main story as part of our main cast, and like what we’ve shared to all of you before– you’ll just have to wait and read through for yourself! Luckily, it won’t be long before you get to see them Rock On and Diving In– into the story. But, of course! Before anything else– Let us introduce them a little more to you guys.

False Apart Band Shot 1
from left to right:  Ivan,  Jepp, Arianne and Karl

Official Music Video


Band Info: 

False Apart is a four-piece band that is influenced by many mixes of genre but has a strong asian influence. The band was formed in 2013 by main founder Jepp, who is an otaku, together with his highschool drummer band mate Ivan.

The band’s overall musicality is affected by the individual band members’ influences.

The band get together to write music to make sure that the balance is always achieved.

Want to know more about them?

Just click on the available links provided through their band name or you can also follow them through these social media sites and get a chance to listen more of their awesome music!

Thank you for taking time to read our updates! Keep up the great work guys!

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Announcement:  Stay Updated! Coming Soon!

False Apart via BRIDGE NETWORK Episode 5!


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