Featuring: Wasted Chemical

Armed with Hard Rockin’ Music and awesome bass play arrangement– Bridge Comics Philippines is pleased to present one more band in our line-up feature for our story.

Ladies and Gent’s we’re here to introduce to you all WASTED CHEMICAL!

but, before we dive in further..

Here’s a little info about their Band  straight from their Facebook profile page :

We are “WASTED CHEMICAL”. We are composed of mutant people from the Southern part of Metro Manila. We aim to give some HardRockin’ sound for everyone.

Catch their hit songs Prototype

and Data Connection via Soundcloud and follow or subscribe to them on both networks for the latest updates!

Now that we’ve introduced them to you formally and shared their music. Here’s our latest update about us and their band.

Some of you might have been wondering if our story would focus on one particular genre in the story– the thing is, music is always evolving. Therefore, it is only fair for all of us to share to you our goals in terms of expanding our roads within the world of BRIDGE. While, we are still paving the road through the pages of our stories and building up our surprises in store for you, right now– On the sidelines, we are more than happy enough to boost the signals and support for the local bands of our choice.

Whether Wasted Chemical  would take up the frontlines together with VSTHEWORLD or not is still a top secret twist in our story,  but we’ll definitely make sure to let you guys read through the story sometime soon.

In the meantime, please keep yourselves posted with us, as we share a little more about this awesome band. Right now! Let’s just keep all that love for the first ever original pinoy manga as dubbed by Dominic cortes piodos (Guitarist/Vocalist of Wasted Chemical)

On another note, We’d like to congratulate Wasted Chemical with their recent spot feature at the Punk Rock Connection

About the radio show:

The Punk Connection is a show that celebrates punk rock and all its connections. The show, which airs on Jam 88.3 FM every Saturday from 5-7 PM, plays mainly punk rock, although the show’s format allows it to play genres connected to punk, such as hardcore, ska, reggae, and rockabilly.

The Band’s featured Facebook live video together with other bands:

  • E- YOUTH

and last but not the least, WASTED CHEMICAL!

If you wish to watch the live video stream and listen to the rest of the bands featured (including #WastedChemical) Here’s a quick link for you to find:

The Punk Rock Connection on Jam 88.3

featuring their latest original song Data Connection!

Once again, Bridge Team would like to extend our Congratulations to you guys!

NOTE: We had to change it into a link instead of the widget. Since our wordpress theme does not support the said facebook widget.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to Rock On! Dive In!

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